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Anger Management ; A need of the hour

The Need Of Anger Management Courses In Today's Life

In the fast-paced life of the 21st century and the rat race associated with it, anxiety and stress have turned into our daily companion. The constant stress of meeting deadlines, fulfilling basic needs, the constant stress of being better, or the frustration of being unable to achieve certain things in life ignites the stress which results in anger. And in these difficult situations where anger is something so usual yet a constant threat looming on our head, Anger Management programs has turned into our saviors these days. Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control that helps us to deal with various anger-related issues successfully.

 But before knowing about anger management let's find out a few details about the devil, Anger.

But what is anger?     

It's no alien or any demon. It's a natural and hormonal response to potential biological threats cause by stress and trauma. In such situations, our body takes some preventive measures to avoid the potential damages and therefore adrenaline gland releases adrenaline hormone. But the release of this hormone causes a few reactions like sweating, high blood pressure, increases heart rate, tightens our muscles. 

Reason of Anger:

As I mentioned earlier, stress, anxiety, and pressure can cause anger. But that's not all. There are many factors that work behind causing anger in us. 
Any kind of fear like something paranormal, or even fear of failure or humiliation causes serious anger. Any kind of severe pain, a long intake of some certain drug, past trauma, disturbing dreams, or any kind of mental or physical imbalance can cause anger. Even alcoholism, addiction to drugs, PTSD, or any kind of mental problems lead to serious kind of anger issues. Incapability in dealing with anger can lead to undesirable and unavoidable circumstances.

Types Of Anger:

Though everyone gets angry the way that we react in our anger varies from people to people. There are mainly three ways that we show or react in anger.
  1. Expression: This is the most popular way to deal with anger by most of the people. In this case, the person in question acts upon his anger openly. Here, the reaction varies from calm to violent depending on the person in question.
  2. Suppression: In this case, the people dealing with anger chose to suppress his/her anger and reason of distress in himself/herself. Instead of reacting or thinking on it in a positive way they keep it in themselves which might lead to major problems afterward.
  3. Dealing with Anger in a positive way: This is the most positive way to deal with anger. In this case, the man in question instead of reacting violently or keeping it in himself thinks and tries to solve the cause of anger in a calm way.

Side Effects of Anger: 

Type 1 and type 2 causes the problem mostly. When one person chooses to react due to his anger their most of the other senses completely shut off leading to serious problems. In our daily stress and anxiety having anger is so common, but reacting on it increases our blood pressure, heart rate. Your muscles tighten and if someone is a heart or nerve patient the side effects of anger causes serious harm to their health. At the same time suppression of anger isn't good as well. It affects the brain and mind. Suppressing anger and stress for a long span of time can cause mental trauma and can lead to psychological problems. 

Anger Management:

In our daily life to deal with all these reasons and reactions caused by anger Anger Management can be our only solution to deal with our issues effectively. In this course, trained professionals and psychiatrists observe and note the reaction of one's reaction to various situations in different circumstances and help in dealing with it. Getting enough sleep, proper physical exercise, a healthy environment, good diet can effectively help in preventing the damages caused by anger. Professional therapists, mental health counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists are the associates in these programs. 

They schedule the therapy in different types based on the person. A few effective techniques of anger management course are; relaxation techniques, monitored breathing exercises, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, improving communication strategies, interpersonal skills.

In special cases, they can be given sedatives if the patients get way too violent during the treatment.

Regularity, co-operation with the counselors, and patience help during anger management therapies a lot. It not only helps to deal with anger but this therapy ensures the capability of one to deal with various emotional reactions and different situations in a more effective and harmless way.     



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