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Happy Friendship Day


Friendship isn't just another relation in life. This small word, "friend" contains the whole world for you. Friendship is just like a breeze, soothes your heart, calms your mind, and makes your light brighter.

A friend is that person who can make you smile even in the worst condition. The face you'll crave for even amidst thousand of people. That one friend can change your life in a moment. 

A friend is a person who can make even the smallest things seem beautiful. That you can speak all your heart out, no matter how silly you sound. You can go to them with the silliest problem but they'll make it seem that you are on your death bed, and the same idiot will react as if nothing has happened and you are overreacting in your hardest days.

A friend is a man who'll trust you when you'll lose trust in yourself. Who will support you when everyone leaves. It will make you laugh when your eyes are tired of crying and will teach you to walk when you'll forget about your legs.

They are like the moon. You won't always care if it's with you but will feel void when it's not. It's like that star far away in the sky who even if stays thousands of kilometer away but still lead your path. It's like that pebble who'll tease you when you walk, the stone that will make you trip and fall but that same pebble and stone will turn into a big rock for you to lean on and to protect when anyone tries you hurt you. It's like that one person has all right to tease you, to laugh at you, to make you smile, make you cry, make you happy but if anyone tries to hurt you she'll protect you at any cost.

And then there are those who'll complain about you, will steal your tiffins, will scare you with a rubber snake. You'll get agitated will pray to God that she leaves you but when she actually you'll miss you and want her back at any cost.

And there are those extremely special creatures who'll know each and everything about you. Will understand your unspoken words and will wipe your unshed tears. She won't leave your side even on the hardest day even if you try to push her away.

She'll hold your hand, pull you up, and will never let you go. She'll stand by you even if the whole world stands against. She'll give you advice, will scold you, will protect you, make fun of you but will love you like no one else.

It doesn't matter where she stays. Where she lives or how she looks. What she is, how she is. Race, caste, complexion, nationality nothing does. All that matters is she is your friend. A friend.
I don't matter if you can lean on her shoulder but what matter is that support and warmth she gives you even staying thousand of miles away. That pleasure you get from her, the salvation you get from one word she says. That trust you regain on yourself when she says a simple, "don't worry. You can do it." 

To be your friend one doesn't need to be your playmate or schoolmate, collegemate. Anyone can be your friend. after all, it doesn't require your age. It's a relation of "No complaints and no demands just enormous joy and delight." You don't need a special moment with them cause with them, every moment becomes special. 

And if you find that friend in your life, ever, don't let her leave. Hold on to her, make her feel special, make her feel loved, make her feel bliss, and keep her to yourself for all your life.

Friendship isn't just a relation
It's a thread
To bind all the relation
and to keep it to you,
Safe and Secure.

Friendship is love
Friendship is care
Friendship is the salvation
to all your vexation.

Friendship is the moon
to brighten your darkest nights
And the rain
to your aridity.



  1. Wow, congratulations! Well written!! ♥️♥️♥️

  2. Wow this was lovely Piyu❤ Friendship indeed is one of the most valued relationships in my life...As they say "Friends and family", coz sometimes truly friends come first, even before your family!

    Loved this. Keep writing more๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. This is called scaring someone with Minnie heart attack๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ k Shrobona bhebe bhebe Jaan berie gelo Amar๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ

  3. Thank you for the lovely words. And truly Friendship is so precious. By the way will you tell me who are you?

  4. It's a wholesome and brilliant thought that has been brought out wonderfully by you. Congrats on your first write up. Will be eager to read more from you. Keep being an awesome writer. Always. Indeed friendship is precious, so are you! Piyali.
    You know me, so no drama further. -D


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