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The burning anger colors way redder
Then the burning coal inside the iron furnace.

Anger is not just an emotion. This is basically a sum of so many pent up emotions and experiences that burst at once.

When you think about those moments during the normal time, the words or actions might seem irrelevant or something a little too extra. Even to yourself. Some times the reason so trivial that we wonder if we could easily ignore it and if there was any reason to really let it out. But only a deep introspection and judgment will let you learn why it was unavoidable at that time. Sometimes a fit of nasty anger leads the kindest and most sensible man to react in the most violent way possible. 

Anger doesn't have a mind of its own. But in the state of anger, our own brain starts to react in the harshest and irresponsible way. In anger, it doesn't think about logic, time, place, or anything. It is a state of mind where one speaks of their inner vulnerabilities. The moments that might have affected them, hurt them. The moments of negligence, insults, ignorance, and hurt that releases upon the person standing with you at the moment. Anger is somewhat the moment of extreme vulnerability that goes wrong. 

There are times when we term people as angry bird. But we shall never know what made them like that. You may agree to disagree, but most of the time the angriest persons are those rebels who once kept mum with everything happening around them. No, this is no show or fan fiction knowledge but you can term it as a personal experience.

No one fancies anger. No one fancies lashing out on someone every time. But it might be some old wounds or some bleeding past changing someone. For that do not just go all Belle for any random Beast. Just maintain distance. Good for you and also for the beast. 

In your personal space if you find someone with hypertension or someone with anger issues please don't go out to judge them at the first instance. Try to help them. Listen to them when they are calm. Try to lend your hand and hear them out. If possible help them. But never ask them to suppress their anger. For normal people it is never easy to understand what a severe damage can happen due to suppressed anger

But being said that, please take a note that as important it is to release your anger but it is also very important to keep a check on your anger. Sometimes a few things said in the fit of rage may leave a deep scar on someone's mind that gets way difficult to cure. So it is always better to keep a check on your temper and words than regretting later.


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